How to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

How to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Costs This SummerKeeping your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months can get very expensive. We would like to offer you some tips on how to reduce your air conditioning costs this season without sacrificing comfort.

Pre-Season Service

The best way to ensure that your air conditioner is working at its peak performance is to have it tuned up before the hot weather begins. Your technician will examine the unit for any problems that could cause it to fail or may cause it to work harder than it should. An air conditioner that is regularly cleaned and maintained will use less energy throughout the season.

Adjust Your Thermostat

You can save money on your cooling costs by raising your thermostat by just one degree. The recommended setting to keep your home comfortable during the summer is 78 degrees. If you do not already have a programmable thermostat, you should consider having a programmable thermostat installed. By doing so, you can automatically prevent cooling your home at times when no one is home.

Change Filters Often

Your air conditioner will run more efficiently when its airflow is at an optimal level. The best way to accomplish this is to make sure to check and change its filter every month or as needed. Clogged air filters make your air conditioner work harder to cool your home, which results in higher energy costs and added wear and tear on your system.

Use Ceiling Fans

You can improve the efficiency of your air conditioner by using ceiling fans to circulate the cooled air in your home. During cooler days, having these fans running may allow you to reduce the time you need to have your air conditioning on.

Contact us to learn more about how to reduce your  air conditioning costs in check this season!


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